Title: Psychopath
Author: Keith Ablow
Year: 2003
Genre: Fiction- psychological thriller
Pages: 323
Rating: 8/10
Dr. Frank Clevenger is back with yet another fascinating case. This time he has to battle his own demons, while trying to battle the demons of a psychiatrist turned killer, while managing a budding relationship, and trying to keep track of his adopted son.
There is an interesting rapport between our good and bad doctors.
I took a point off of this book from the previous book's score because I wasn't as much of a fan of changing narrater perspectives. I always have a hard time getting into the flow of other character's thoughts when they bounce back and forth.
Overall, this is a great novel. If you like crime and a good main character to connect with, this book is highly recommended by me :)
I'm looking forward to the next installment before I move on to the next three books I check out.