Tuesday, November 4, 2014

In which I set drastically difficult goals in order to make myself do things...

Well hello blog world.
I am another one of those bloggers who have started several blogs and never accomplished my purpose.

This one I am determined will succeed. I have a lot of time on my hands for reading. My work consists of some actual activity and then quite a bit of nothing.

I will make that nothing into something.

I was perusing the library today and I realized something.
I am horrible about judging books by their covers. I pass over books and books and books and books (you get the picture) without giving them a second glance, already decided that I won't like them.
No more!

I am going to start with one of my local branches and work my way through the adult fiction.
Starting with the As and going along until I hit nonfiction is my first goal. I understand that this will be tedious. As a perfectionist, I will most likely be backtracking to allow for other people who have checked out the books, causing missed volumes. If I come to an author with multiple books, I will start with the oldest instead of the alphabetical order. I like time continuity :)

So here I go. Three books already checked out.
I hope to finish at least one a week. (I really hope for more. Otherwise, this task will never end. Or maybe it shouldn't end. Hmm)

I will make a running list of titles I have finished if you'd like to read along.

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